Do you think Pope John Paul II is a saint?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pope John Paul

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Auber:Aube 1590-1993 Rich Canadian American Heritage

A Family History Dedicated to the Memory of Marie-Louise Racine and Theophile Aube'
Claude Auber, son of Jacques and the first anestor to come to New France, Canada, was a personal adviser to the first bishop of Quebec.  Bishop Montmorency De Laval.  Claude's son, Felix helped to build and later
was the first elder of the now world famous Basilica of Ste Anne de Beaupre', near Quebec City.  We have a story of a Huron girl in our family records, her name was Catherine Annennontak, who married an ancestor named Jean (John) Durand on September 26, 1662.  Her story demonstrates the power of faith.   In the 1680's a nephew of Claude Auber, Reverend Michel Beaudoin, a Jesuit priest, moved among the Native American Indians.  We pay our respects to Reverend Remi Lessard our youngest descendant to have been ordained on May 17, 1985 who is the grandson of Victoria Aube' and Damse Charlebois.  I also pay tribute to many nuns, missionaries, teachers, nurses in the families of Euphrosine Aube'-Meilleur; of Damien Aube' and Corinne Charlebois;  of Damase E. Charlebois and Leonie Aube; and others. The autobiography of Damase E. Charlebois (no.7).  This gentleman's life was dominated by a code of honour and a sense of duty.  Those men were writers!  Our family found a copy of a letter from a good friend Thomas John, Dr. Tom Arneson, the grandson of William Joseph Woods.  Tom wrote his memoirs of what his grandfather told him.  In short, in those letters how Pierre Charlebois and Odile Quesnel another relative "lost" the oldest of eleven children;  Joseph Pierre, who called himself Peter Woods, escaped to the United States, married, escaped again from his wife and 4 children, joined an Indian tribe, had a new family there, and became an Indian-English interpreter, came back to North Dakota to die at 39 in 1902.  Claude Auber was our first ancestor in Canada, he landed there in October 1647, born 1614-1694.  His father was the Patryarch of a families history that goes backin Canada history to 1590 and whose name has changed 3 times not to mention the variations of the Americas.   Our Family ranks as one of the largest families in the francophone Canadian records of geneology.   He was appointed by the King of France as a Notaire Royal and remained in that important office for over 31 years.  A notary functioned variously as a legal adviser, lawyer, solicitor, and on occasion as prosecutor, arbitrator, and judge.  Around 1613 our first known forefather Jacques Auber married Marie Le Boucher Generation 1 in Normandy, France.  Claude Auber 1615-1694 his son married Jacqueline Lucas Generation 2.